MPTC chat messaging app

A new messaging application for fast communication, and collaboration within Ministry of post and telecommunications

Mobile Apps

Desktop Apps

MPTC Chat App

Advantage of this App

MPTC chat app is a messaging platform for sending messages and voice calling which allow fast and secure communications within ministry of post and telecommunication. It is easy to use and has all the chat features you may need, which allow for future replacement of most of your messaging app.

History of MPTC chat platform

After highly recommendation from Akkak Mohasena Padei Decho Hun Sen prime minister Kingdom of Cambodia on developing messaging platform for official use in ministry and government of Cambodia. In this regard His Excellency Minister of Ministry of post and telecommunication has lead and pursue the development of this messaging app and name it MPTC chat, an app created by Cambodia.

How to download and install

Step 1

Please click on App store icon and searching MPTC chart to download

Step 2

Click on MPTCC  

Step 3

Click on Get to download the app

Step 4

Waiting your app to Complete download

Step 5

Click on open app

Step 6

After installation you can use MPTC chart

How to create Account or Register

Step 1

Click on register to create new account

Step 2

1. Fill in your name
2. Fill in your sure name
3. Fill in your phone number
4. Fill in your password
5. Re enter your password
6. Click Register

Step 3

1. Click on OTP code
2. After you click or fill in OTP code correctly your app will lead to contact screen

Step 4

After you landing on contact screen now you can start chatting with your MPTC chat

How to use this application